Natural Allergy Testing and Treatment

Natural Allergy Testing is safe, painless and non-invasive. It can be used for people of any age, from newborns through to seniors. I have also tested cats, dogs and horses.

Allergies are often just one piece of the picture, so I believe it is essential to test for all of the underlying / root causes of your health concerns. This includes allergies and sensitivities, along with toxins, intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, parasites/infections, stress / trauma / emotional issues and structural imbalances. This gives a truly holistic view of the causes for your symptoms.


How do you test?

Natural Allergy testing ustilises Applied Kinesiology, also known as Muscle Response Testing / Autonomic Response Testing. This process taps into the body’s wisdom and assesses the Triad of Health - Physical, Chemical and Emotional / Energetic.

A strong muscle is found, usually an arm, and your response to the various potential allergens is determined. In the case of small children, people with joint issues, those who are very sore, or the elderly and infirm, we test through another adult or older child. This is known as surrogate testing, and is also the method for testing pets.


What can you test for?

Foods including milk, eggs, gluten and grains, fruits, nuts and much more. Usually, the component parts of foods are tested, such as the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fats etc.

Environmental Allergens such as dust and dust mites, moulds, perfumes, pollens, pets, chemicals, perfumes, nickel, latex etc

Electro-magnetic Frequencies from cell phones to TVs, and wifi to fluorescent lights, and even Weather Patterns and storm systems.

I have over 300 allergen vials available for testing if indicated, and will test those that are relevant to you and your symptoms. You can also bring any suspect items, nutritional supplements, herbs or medications and we can test them.


What happens in natural allergy testing?

There are two options I use for Natural Allergy Testing and, in both cases, I provide online access to all the health charts from your visit. This will always be available to you by logging into your online account.

  1. A standard allergy test

I test you for a broad range of substances and provide you with a list of those to which you are sensitive. This list may consist of many allergens and can be overwhelming.

You will receive a list of the allergens that came up, and some general recommendations as to which you should to avoid.

2. Assessment of the triggers for your symptoms and health issues

The method preferred by me, and by the majority of my clients, is to assess the underlying / root cause(s) for your health concerns and symptoms.

I can determine the main triggers for those health problems and symptoms, and will consider allergies, sensitivities, toxins, intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, parasites/infections, gut dysbiosis, stressors / traumas / intergenerational trauma and structural imbalances.

In this case, your chart notes will provide a list of your symptoms and health concerns and their main triggers, along with a treatment plan.

Every treatment plan is individual and specific to your needs. It may may consist one or more of the following and is a recommendation, my task is to provide the information, you can decide how to proceed.

  • Allergy treatments to desensitise you
  • Any specific food and environmental allergens to avoid
  • Any lifestyle changes that would be beneficial
  • Any nutritional support or supplements indicated
  • Other modalities or providers recommended to resolve any infection, gut dysbiosis, structural or emotional imbalances.

I find this method to offer more practical information than a standard allergy test, providing you with relevant information that removes the guess work as to what to avoid and how to feel better now and in the long term.